My favorite photography intern is my niece! This time it's personal. This summer my niece came to visit for nearly a month, giving me an amazing opportunity to spend quality time with her and take a lot of great photos of her at a wonderful age.
The tween years can be overlooked in portrait photography. Think of the chapters of our lives of which we usually have plenty of photos stored. Baby pictures. Sports teams group shots. High school yearbook photos. Weddings. Back up to the school years in between and often what we have are institutional shots, yearbooks and team photos.
If you have a professional photo session with your tween, then you will have photographic keepsakes of this time frame when you child transitions to a young woman or young man. It is a magical time when they retain childlike wonderment and gain further independence as people with unique identities.
My niece and I had a blast. We went shopping, swimming, dining, road tripping and all the while I was taking photographs. She’s growing up and I am so grateful for this special time together and the beautiful photos of one of my favorite people!